
  • Optical Crystal
  • Optical Crystal

Optical Crystal

CaF2 is a crystal, which has good transmission from 170nm to 7800nm. It's slightly soluble in water and susceptible to thermal shock. CaF2 is commonly in IR components such as windows,Lenses and prisms.
crystal birefringent YVO4

Product introduction

  • CaF2

    CaF2 is a crystal, which has good transmission from 170nm to 7800nm. It's slightly soluble in water and susceptible to thermal shock. CaF2 is commonly in IR components such as windows,Lenses and prisms.

    Transmission Range: 170nm-7800nm

    Thermal Expansion Coefficient: 18.85*10-6/K

    Density: 3.18g/cm³


     Sapphire  is a single crystal aluminum oxide(AL2O3). It is one of the hardest materials. Sapphire has good transmission characteristics over the visible,and near IR spectrum.It exhibits high mechanical strength, chemical resistance, thermal conductivity and thermal stability.It is often used as window material in specific field such as space technology where scratch or high temperature resistance is required.

    Physical Properties

    Crystal Symmetry Hexagonal System
    Lattice Constant a=4.75;c=12.97
    Transparence Range 0.18-4.5um
    Density 3.98g/cm³
    Mohs Hardness 9
    Melting Point 2030℃
    Thermal Conductivity 0.04W/m/k
    Expansion Coefficient 8.4*10-6/k
    Refractive Index 1.755

    Silicon(si) Crystals

    Silicon(Si) is commonly used as a substrate  material for infrared reflectors and windows in the 1.5um-8um region.The strong absorption band at 9um makes it unsuitable for CO2 laser transmission applications but it is frequently used for laser mirrors because of its high thermal conductivity and low density.Silicon is also a useful transmitter in 20um range.

    Physical Properties

    Material Type CZ FZ;N or P
    Crystal Direction {100}{111}
    Resistivity (Ohm/cm) 0.003-50
    Thermal conductivity(J/K.M.S) 163.3@273K
    Density 2.33g/cm³ at20℃
    Melting point 1410℃
    Boiling point 3265℃
    Knoop Hardness 1150
    Transparency Range 1000nm-10000nm,30000nm-300000nm

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