
Interview with Liang Xiaosheng, general manager of DayOptics

Time:2023-05-18 Source: Original Clicks:904

"Market-oriented, innovation-driven, and talent-centered. We create a world-class optical manufacturing center and lead an optoelectronic era." Recently, the reporter interviewed Liang Xiaosheng, general manager of DayOptics. He said that DayOptics is still just a small and micro enterprise. To be big, it must be strong first. The company's development must be positioned as "specialized, refined, special, and new": implement a specialization strategy, focus on market segments, concentrate on core businesses, and realize Specialized production; intensive research and development, lean production, fine management, to provide customers with excellent products and services; research advanced technology, technology, to provide customers with special optical solutions; continuous technological innovation and management innovation, and timely innovation of business models.

  Talking about the development history of the company, Liang Xiaosheng spoke eloquently. DayOptics settled in Jinzhou New District in 2013 to build a new industrial base. The planned land for the project is 50 acres, with a total construction area of 45,660 square meters. The estimated total investment of the project is 120 million yuan. DayOptics integrates R&D, production and sales, and is dedicated to the R&D and manufacturing of high-power polarization beam splitters, cylindrical lenses, lasers and their components, visual lenses, laser lenses and CCTV high-definition lenses. Products are exported to more than 60 countries and regions such as the United States, Japan, Russia, the European Union, ASEAN, the Middle East, and Africa. Over the years, DayOptics has a global sales service network and technical support system to provide users with high-quality and efficient technical support and value-added services. In terms of continuous innovation, we have joined hands with Fuzhou Day-optics, a brother company specializing in R&D and production of high-power optical components, to jointly build a world-class optical manufacturing center.

"Talents are fundamental to the development of an enterprise. Through joint ventures, equity incentives and other models, build a career platform, introduce international and domestic high-end professional and technical talents, and cultivate technological innovation capabilities; Train grassroots employees and cultivate the spirit of craftsmanship." Liang Xiaosheng said. "At present, Yan Yu, a Chinese American who is well-known in the international optical field, has been hired as the company's chief expert to lead the research and development of optical lenses and lasers, and lead the engineering and technical team to intensively develop high-power lasers and high-definition optical lenses. In the competition, especially in the laser application, safe city, forest fire prevention and smart home and other market areas, seize the commanding heights of technology.” Liang Xiaosheng introduced that the company always pays attention to personnel training and technological innovation, and has established an optical research and development center in Silicon Valley, the United States. Optical expert, senior consultant.

  Liang Xiaosheng introduced that the company is going all out in terms of equipment upgrades. The project plans to build 3 new lens production lines. More than 230 sets of cutting machines, CNC glass engraving machines, high-speed polishing machines, automatic cleaning machines, IBS coating machines, dicing machines, spectrophotometers, interferometers and other major production equipment, experimental and testing equipment were newly purchased. A new lens production line has been newly purchased, and more than 120 sets of assembly and testing equipment such as dispensing machines, ink coating machines, ion dust removers, UV curing machines, purification work sheds, vacuum packaging machines, reverse projectors, and MTF testing machines have been purchased. After the completion of the project, it will form an annual production capacity of 200,000 sets of lasers and high-end optical lenses, and 20 million pieces of polarization beam splitters and cylindrical lenses.

When talking about business model innovation, Liang Xiaosheng said, "After years of steady development, DayOptics has become a leading enterprise in the optical manufacturing industry, and its high-power PBS technology is at the international advanced level. At the beginning of its business, DayOptics has become a leading enterprise in the optical manufacturing industry. DayOptics is only an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer, original equipment manufacturer) supplier in the optoelectronic industry. , the company's research and development capabilities have been continuously enhanced, and the business model has gradually changed to ODM (Original Design Manufacturer, that is, OEM), which is engaged in high-end optical manufacturing. Customers only need to propose product functions, performance, or even provide products We can turn products from ideas into reality, and provide customers with all services from product development, design and manufacturing to post-maintenance and technical support. From OEM to ODM, 11 years of accumulation, the company's technological innovation capabilities continue to increase , Brand management has also laid a certain foundation. During the transition period, DayOptics will further strengthen its basic advantages, tap potential capabilities, and gradually transition from the ODM business model to the OBM (Original Brand Manufactuce, original brand manufacturer) business model, implementing The strategy of technological innovation and brand success, on the basis of strengthening technological innovation capabilities, strengthens brand competitiveness and cultivates the core competitiveness of enterprises."

Liang Xiaosheng said that the company will adhere to the core value of the brand as the center, standardize the brand recognition system, and implement the brand recognition elements into all marketing communication activities of the enterprise, so that every marketing communication activity can deduce and convey the core value of the brand and the enterprise. spiritual pursuit.

Talking about the construction of the strength park and its future development, "We are very encouraged by the rapid development of the strength park. At present, the company is preparing to build a lens production line, which is expected to be officially put into operation at the end of September. It is estimated that the sales revenue in 2015 will be 4,500 yuan. RMB 10,000, can achieve profit and tax of RMB 4.6 million, doubled compared to last year. In the next three years, the company will develop laser products with advanced brightness and light-to-light conversion efficiency, and lead the development of kilowatt-level uniform line focusing and multiple square spot focusing. Semiconductor lasers. Research and develop high-resolution, large zoom, and long-focus optical lenses. The technical level has surpassed that of Japan and reached the world's advanced level. The people of Deiss will work together to double the profits and taxes within 3 years, and contribute to the construction of a powerful park!" Liang Xiaosheng said confidently.

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