
  • Pechan Prism
  • Pechan Prism

Pechan Prism

Features and Functions:The Pechan prism can rotate the image 180°, and it is usually used as an "image erection system" in the binoculars.
customization angular precision multi-coating

Product introduction

  • Features and Functions:

    The Pechan prism can rotate the image 180°, and it is usually used as an "image erection system" in the binoculars.

    This prism group is composed of two glass prisms separated by an air gap. Multiple total reflections cause the image to be flipped in the vertical direction, and the "roof of the second building mirror" flips the image sideways, resulting in an image 180 " rotation. The handedness of the image is unchanged.


    1. Material: H-K9L

    advantage: good transmittance in the visible light region.

    disadvantage: the acceptance angle is normal.


    advantage: bigger acceptance angle.

    disadvantage: lower UV transmittance.

    2. Accuracy of Ridge angle:<10(another option:5"--higher image resolution)

    3. Dimension Tolerance:+0.2mm

    4. Flatness:λ/4(another option:λ/8-high flatness can reduce the distortion of imaging)

    5. Surface Quality:60/40

    6. Coating: Incident surface coating: Ravg<0.5%@420-680nm; Reflecting surface coating: Ravg>85%@400700nm(dielectric coating option: R>98%--to improve the overall clarity of the system).

    The products we process have the characteristics of diversified designs. Customers can choose various materials, angle accuracy, and coating configurations to obtain the required products according to their needs.

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